Husband's Experience of Participation in Caring for Muslim Pregnant Women with Anemia


  • narumol thongnak Thaksin university
  • Nantiya Khoynung
  • Thaparat Rakpanusit


Husband's experience, Pregnant woman, Anemia


         This qualitative research aimed to describe the experiences of husband’s participation in caring for Muslim pregnant women with anemia. Purposive sampling was used to select the informants. Ten respondents were the husband of Muslim pregnant with anemia who had been interviewed using a semi-structured interview. The content analysis was used. Five key findings were 1) meaning of anemia or anemia during pregnancy, 2) perceived of wife’s anemia, 3) perceived of the effects of anemia, 4) husband's involvement in caring for pregnant women with anemia, and 5) recognition of roles and responsibilities in caring for pregnant women according to religious principles. Husband performs the roles and duties prescribed by Islamic principles. Moreover, wives have cooperated in following their husbands according to Islamic principles on the role of women as wives. The results reflect that the religious belief context affects the norm of the behavior of pregnant women.


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How to Cite

thongnak, narumol, Khoynung , N. ., & Rakpanusit , T. . (2023). Husband’s Experience of Participation in Caring for Muslim Pregnant Women with Anemia. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 23(45), 89–98. Retrieved from



research article