Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion for Thai Older Adults Living Alone


  • Surasak Mulsrisuk Emergency department, Siriraj hospital, Mahidol University
  • Pongsak Dharmakulsakti


Health System, Nurse’s Role, Older Adults Health Promotion, Living Alone, Aging Society


Thailand is one of the most rapidly growing in aging society country in the world. Aging people tend to live longer in according to developing in economy, social, medical technology. Furthermore, unmarriage trend, decreasing birth rate and divorcing are the factors that affect this trend. Older adults living alone have a lesser chance to access health care service because of economic issue and medical expense. Preparing to be dependent living under health decline low outcome economic. Nowadays, Thailand is rapidly growing into aging society and elderly people tend to have longer lifespan than before because of advanced medical technology. More and more elderly people are living on their own due to changing in new generation population perspectives. For example; more and more people want to be single, some people are not having a child due to their financial problem, and divorcing problem. These make elderly people living alone have a lesser chance to access healthcare service because of economic issue and medical expense.

Therefore, preparing care plan for elderly people under all these circumstances is important. This comes down to nurse service which involving medical service, giving essential medical knowledge, and managing care plan for elderly people. As we can see nurses play an important role in healthcare system especially for elderly people.


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How to Cite

Mulsrisuk, S., & Dharmakulsakti , P. . (2022). Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion for Thai Older Adults Living Alone. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 23(44), 104–112. Retrieved from



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