Model Development of Participatory Processes for Early Childhood Access to Quality Food in Amidst The Pandemic of Covid-19: A Case Study Romklao Community, Latkrabang District, Bangkok


  • Siripun Bootsri -
  • Parichart Charakamud Metropolitan Health and Wellness Institution Department of Health: Ministry of Public Health


Participatory Processes, Early Childhood Access to Quality Food


This participatory action research aimed to study the process of building participation and developing a model for early childhood children accessing quality food in the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic. The sample group was 200 early childhood children in Romklao community using qualitative research tools: in-depth interview semi-structured focus group discussion etc. The results showed that early childhood in the community encouraged access to quality food and follow-up home visits to monitor nutritional status and promote development correct child rearing with parents involved outcomes of a community-based participatory process model Participants develop problem-solving abilities. By bringing resources from the human capital community and society search for knowledgeable people and stimulate participation until a mechanism can be created make a plan to implement it in a concrete way. From the lessons learned, it was found that the success factor was creating a mechanism for participation of network partners at the local level connected to the policy level. This allows the community to receive budget and academic support from network partners involved in both the public and private sectors. The results of the drive in the Romklao community It is the starting point for the pre-school child development center. Under the office of Social Development Department in Bangkok can provide lunch and supplementary food (milk) for children is a special case make children have access to quality lunches covering the 13th health zone.


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How to Cite

Bootsri, S., & Charakamud, P. (2022). Model Development of Participatory Processes for Early Childhood Access to Quality Food in Amidst The Pandemic of Covid-19: A Case Study Romklao Community, Latkrabang District, Bangkok. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 23(44), 10–22. Retrieved from



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