A Quality of Life Among Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia Patients in a Pediatric Ward, Lamphun Hospital



quality of life, transfusion dependent thalassemia patients


This descriptive research aimed to study a quality of life among transfusion dependent thalassemia patients in a pediatric ward, Lamphun hospital. A total of 43 transfusion dependent thalassemia patients aged 5-18 years participated in the study. Pediatric Quality of Life InventoryTM questionnaire was used for data collection. The reliability of questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) was .89. All data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Chi square.

The result revealed that the quality of life of the children on average was moderate with the mean total summary score of 67.47±14.32. The highest score was social functioning (Mean=75.69, S.D.=20.78), emotional functioning (Mean=69.07, S.D.= 16.84), physical functioning (Mean=68.68, S.D.= 16.03), and school functioning (Mean=55.69, S.D.= 19.04), respectively.

These findings suggest that stockholders should collaborate and refer transfusion dependent thalassemia patients with medical history from hospital to school to manage the treatment. This could help to decrease the school absence days and improve the quality of life for the patients, particularly school functioning.


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How to Cite

Wongchum, R., Prabsamornchai , R. ., & Thubpaen, D. . (2021). A Quality of Life Among Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia Patients in a Pediatric Ward, Lamphun Hospital. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 22(43), 21–34. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nursingsiamjournal/article/view/251469



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