Health Problems Among Andropause: Role of Nurse


  • Pannathat Chanpanit โรงพยาบาลวิภาราม
  • Yuwadee Ngomsangad
  • Naruk Judabood


Andropause, Health of Behavior, Role of nurse


The andropause is a group of males who have aged from 40 to 59 years old. They were low levels of testosterone hormone that is called androgen deficiency. It affected to body functions including reduced physical fitness, lack of enthusiasm, decreased ability of sport playing, fatigue, being angry easily, hot flushed, weight loss, decreased muscle strength, and impotence. These symptoms caused the males to lose their self-confidence, that affected their personalities and quality of their lives. The symptoms of androgen deficiency is similar to menopause symptoms of females. Most people knew signs and symptoms of menopause among females more than signs and symptoms of androgen deficiency symptoms among males. Therefore, most of andropause are lack of knowledge and understanding of signs and symptoms of androgen deficiency and lack of their selfcare awareness. As result of health problems among andropause, health care providers should have knowledge and understanding of signs and symptoms of androgen deficiency in such aged group for providing medical care, consulting, and suggestion in order to encouraging   andropause to have a better quality of life.


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How to Cite

Chanpanit , P. ., Ngomsangad , Y. ., & Judabood , N. . (2022). Health Problems Among Andropause: Role of Nurse . Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 22(43), 77–88. Retrieved from



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