Postpartum depression among mothers of preterm infants
preterm labor, postpartum depressionAbstract
Preterm birth can cause low birth weight infant, respiratory distress syndrome, bradycardia, jaundice, anemia, and cerebral palsy. After birth, preterm infants usually require immediate treatment in ward or neonatal intensive care unit. Mothers tend to have a difficulty in building the attachment relationship or breastfeeding. This causes feeling of stress and anxious regarding to the health of the baby. The mother also fear that their baby may delay recovery or die which in turn results in subsequent depression. Postpartum depression is, therefore, a major problem for preterm birth mother. This academic article aims to present cause, effect and the significant factors associated with postnatal depression and guidelines for assessing postpartum depression. This will be useful for further taking care of mothers after preterm birth.
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