The effect of using patients preparation Practice Guidelines for Cystoscopy Examination on Knowledge of how to Behavioral, Cystoscope Cooperation, Anxiety and Pain of Urinary


  • Suriya Fongkerd วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี ชลบุรี
  • Amon Seerong
  • Khwanjit Saksriwattana


Practice guidelines, Patients preparation, Cystoscope examination


The objective of this quasi-experimental two-group research was aimed to examine the effects of using patients preparation practice guidelines for bladder endoscopy examination on knowledge of how to behavioral, endoscopic cooperation, anxiety and pain of urinary system patients. Research participants were 48 patients undergoing a bladder endoscopy using local anesthesia in the urology operating room of Chonburi hospital. There were 24 patients in experimental group and 24 patients in control group. The experimental group received usual patients preparation practice guidelines for bladder endoscopy examination, while the control group received only usual care from the hospital. Data were collected by using personal information questionnaire, knowledge of how to behavioral assessment form, endoscopic cooperation assessment from, anxiety assessment from, and pain assessment from. Descriptive statistics and Independent t-test was used to analyze data.

The results show that the experimental group had statistically significant better changes in knowledge of how to behavioral score than the control group (t = 14.93, p= .000), the experimental group had statistically significant better changes in endoscopic cooperation score than the control group  (t = 19.11, p =.000), the experimental group had statistically significant better changes in anxiety score less than the control group (t = -17.59, p =.000), and the experimental group had statistically significant better changes in pain score less than the control group (t = -18.28, p = .000).

Findings of the study suggested that nurses at the urology operating rooms who will adopt the patients preparation practice guidelines for bladder endoscopy examination must provide nursing care according to the guidelines for every step of the way, especially the preparation process. When the patient is well prepared. During the endoscopy the patients will cooperate very well, reduce anxiety, and able to pain management effectively.


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How to Cite

Fongkerd, S., Seerong, A., & Saksriwattana, K. (2021). The effect of using patients preparation Practice Guidelines for Cystoscopy Examination on Knowledge of how to Behavioral, Cystoscope Cooperation, Anxiety and Pain of Urinary. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 22(42), 30–46. retrieved from