Till’ We Become A Humanized Care Nurse


  • Thida Mulalint 084-3013-884
  • Wilawan Klaraeng
  • Chularat Howharn
  • Araya Jiramanasawong




Humanized Health Care, Nursing


The aims of this qualitative Research with life history and narrative approach were to describe life history of student nurses till they became a humanized care nurse. Key informants were 20 third year nursing students whom their classmates voted they were humanized care nurses. Data were collected by in-depth interviewed after they finished class of nursing practicum of mental health and psychiatric. Autobiography and participant observation were used to collected data. Data were verified by triangulation. Data were analyzed by narrative analysis. Findings were shown that life history before they became a humanized care nurses included (1) On the path of life: the beginning of cultivating the human heart. family background with perfect family, unmet needed family, or separated family, (2) Service value with a human heart: an attitude that transforms into a positive force. valued of humanized care nurses composed of values for themselves, patients, and professionals were forced factors, (3) Experiences that shape life-changing subjects: Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practice. mental health and psychiatric course were significant course embodied them to become a humanized care nurse. This subject allows them to understand themselves and others, and (4) What I want to tell my teacher: Unforgettable memories ... a role model for nurses. unforgettable memory included success and failure were the storied that they want to tell teacher.  


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How to Cite

Mulalint , T. ., Wilawan Klaraeng, Chularat Howharn, & Araya Jiramanasawong. (2021). Till’ We Become A Humanized Care Nurse. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 21(41), 55–66. https://doi.org/10.14456/jnsu.v21i41.246129