The Myth of Geriatric Care: Cultural Dimension


  • Wilaiporn Singhatanadgid Fundamental of Nursing and Nursing Administration Branch. Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing
  • Tidarat Tidarat Vasaroangrong Fundamental of Nursing and Nursing Administration Branch. Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing



Active ageing, Positive attitude, Culture


This article is intended for readers to know the concept of active ageing and understand the elderly in the cultural dimension that lead to adjust the attitude towards the elderly to be positive. Moreover, to promote good health and value in the elderly which including the role of participation of all sectors in the empowerment active ageing.

Valuing the elderly depends on the attitudes of different people. However the process to optimize the elderly to value themselves according to the concept of active aging, depend on cultural factors that will help to promote or hinder behavior or actions based on the power. For developing the potential and count value to the elderly, not only focus on physical and economic but should take account for the social and cultural dimensions. Especially in terms of knowledge bank and promote the older to engage in social activity, as well as construct a positive attitude to promote the potential of the elderly


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How to Cite

Singhatanadgid, W., & Tidarat Vasaroangrong , T. (2020). The Myth of Geriatric Care: Cultural Dimension. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 21(40), 96–106.