The Correlation betweenPain Perception and Pain Management in elderly patients undergoing surgery at aTertiaryLevel Hospital


  • Janchai Maneewong
  • Khunruetai panthu
  • Rewadee Phorang



Pain, Disturbances elderly, Pain management, Expectation


The purpose of this research was to study the relationship among perception of disturbance, Level of pain, the severity of pain, expectation and pain management in elderly patients undergoing surgery. The sample group included 100 elderly patients after abdominal surgery at a Tertiary Level Hospital. Data were collected Patient’s Demographic Form, disturbance awareness questionnaire, Pain Intensity Scale, Severity of pain questionnaire, expectation questionnaire, and pain management questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's range and correlation coefficient. 

The results showed that perception of disturbance, level of pain after surgery was low correlated with pain management undergoing surgery at the level of.05 (r= .039, r= .404, respectively), and moderately positive expectation associated with pain management statistic significant at level of.05 (r =.616). Recommendation, the nurse should consider pain assessment and pain management for the elderly after surgery with a continuation and should apply several pain management methods for effectiveness to release pain.



Author Biography

Janchai Maneewong


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How to Cite

Maneewong, J., panthu , K., & Phorang , R. . (2021). The Correlation betweenPain Perception and Pain Management in elderly patients undergoing surgery at aTertiaryLevel Hospital. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 21(41), 29–40.