The Personal characteristics, Perception,Attitude,Perceived Organization support, Problem and obstacle affecting participation among staff in Internal Quality Assurance at faculty level of The Association of Private Higher Education group one.


  • Supawadee Somchit Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College, Thailand
  • Mayura Noppornpanth
  • Penrung Nualchaem Faculty of Nursing, Siam University
  • Sulee Tongvichean
  • Supatcharee Makornkan



Personal characteristics, Perception, Attitude, Perceived Organization support, Internal Quality Assurance


The purposes of this descriptive research were to study 1.level of participation among staff in internal Quality Assurance of the Association of Private Higher Education group one which divided by sex, age, education, salary, position, working-age, working experience. 2. Level of perception, attitude, and organization support. 3. Factors affecting participation among staff in internal Quality Assurance of the Association of Private Higher Education group one. 4. Opinion about a problem affecting participation among staff in internal Quality Assurance of the Association of Private Higher Education group one. Affecting participation among staff in internal Quality Assurance of the Association of Private Higher Education group one.  The sample were127 Administration Instruction and Staff of Nursing faculty of the Association of Private Higher Education group one. The research instruments consisted of Personal characteristics, Perception, Attitude, Organization support Questionnaires and Opinion Questionnaires. This Questionnaire has a reliability of 0.982. Data were analyzed using Percentage, Mean, ANOVA, Multiple regression, Content analysis. The result showed that staff of nursing faculty participated in internal Quality Assurance at the median level. The Age 41-60 years old, Doctor degree, The salary was more than 30,000 Baht, Position was administration,

and committee or persons was assigned about Quality assurance participated in internal Quality Assurance at maximum level. The level of perception, attitude were good. The level of Organization supports a median level. The working experience, perception and Organization support affective participation among staff in internal Quality Assurance in a positive direction. The top three problems effective participation among staff in internal Quality Assurance were Information did not reach everyone, not enough staff for clarifying the composition of internal Quality Assurance, the staff didn’t share information, the relationship of staff, Misinterpretation. The result should be applied in the development of Internal Quality Assurance of each institute the Association of Private Higher Education group one in the next time.



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How to Cite

Somchit, S., Noppornpanth , M. ., Nualchaem, P. ., Tongvichean , S. ., & Makornkan , S. . (2021). The Personal characteristics, Perception,Attitude,Perceived Organization support, Problem and obstacle affecting participation among staff in Internal Quality Assurance at faculty level of The Association of Private Higher Education group one. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 21(41), 78–90.