Nursing Handoff Communication through the SBAR Technique
Communication, Nursing handoff, SBARAbstract
The nursing handoff communication is a transfer and acceptance of patient care responsibility achieved of patient clinical information from one nurse to another or the nursing team through effective communication. This effective handoff among the healthcare team is a vital factor in providing the continuity, safety of the patient’s care, and decreasing sentinel events.
This academic article focuses on the importance of effective communication skills, barriers in nursing handoff, and strategies for effective handoff communication. Besides, introducing the SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation) technique as an effective standardized communication tool for patients’ handoff. SBAR is a reliable and validated communication tool that reduces adverse events and promote patient safety. This article gives a guideline for applying the SBAR technique in the development of standardized communication in a variety of nursing settings for healthcare outcomes, patient satisfaction, and research studies for assessing handoff intervention outcomes; systemic outcomes, outcomes relating to healthcare providers, and patient outcomes.
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