Regular Exercise Behaviors of Community-Dwelling Older People in Northern Thailand


  • Winthanyou Bunthan Huachiew Chalerm Prakiat University
  • Tassana Choowattanapakorn
  • Thamakorn Aumaor
  • Pattarakul Faiklue
  • Araya Tipwong
  • Supot Deethai



พฤติกรรม, ออกกำลังกายเป็นประจำ, ผู้สูงอายุในชุมชน


This study is a focused ethnography research, the aim is to study the definition, characteristics, pattern and results of exercise of the older person in the community who have regular exercise behaviors. Data were collected from 48 older with regularly exercise behaviors. Data were collected through in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The results of this research reflect the characteristics pattern, and the results of regular exercise of the older person in the community as follows 5 sub-characteristics which are beginning from inspiration, choose the favorite exercise mode, flexible time, alone practice, group practice. The result of regular exercise has 2 results which are strong body and comfortable mind.


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How to Cite

Bunthan , W. ., Choowattanapakorn, T., Aumaor, T., Faiklue, P., Tipwong, A., & Deethai, S. (2020). Regular Exercise Behaviors of Community-Dwelling Older People in Northern Thailand . Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 21(40), 22–33.