Development of instructional management model through self-learning skills of nursing students: case study of midwifery subjects.


  • Wiwanna Klayklueng, Lecturer Faculty of Nursing, Siam University
  • Warunee Parai, Asst.Prof. Faculty of Nursing, Siam University
  • Pattaraporn Arunyaphark, Asst.Prof. Faculty of Nursing, Siam University
  • Amporn Khongjeera, Lecturer Faculty of Nursing, Siam University



Instructional management model, Through self-learning, Nursing students, Midwifery


Purpose: To 1) develop a model of teaching and learning through self-learning skills of students in midwifery courses and 2) evaluate the effectiveness of instructional management model through self-learning skills of students in midwifery subjects.

          Design: Action Research

          Methods: The third year nursing student who was enrolled in the midwifery course, academic year 2018 and willing to participate for 91 people were studied. The research process included 4 step: 1) Analyze problems and review solutions. 2) Develop teaching and learning management methods. 3) Teaching and learning. 4) Evaluation of teaching and learning management. The tools consisted of 2 parts: 1) The tools used in teaching and learning consisted of lesson plans, videos demonstration, Modeling for delivery, equipment and simulations and 2) Tools used for collecting data, including questionnaires, opinions about the benefits that students received in the teaching and learning process in actual use when students have performed various care activities in the maternity period in various aspects. The answer was the rating scale (5 scales) and questions showing the students' feelings towards manage and teaching methods that was 1 open-ended questions. The quantitative data analysis using percentage, mean and qualitative data analysis using content analysis.

          Result: The results of this development of teaching and learning management model consist of 4 theoretical teaching sessions with content related to the birth mechanism. The learning activities consisting of review of lessons before entering the class of students, lecture through the power point and video presentation developed by the instructor. Then, students had to learn by themselves through practice. There was a simulation situation in the delivery room and knowledge testing after the practice. When assessed students' perceptions about the management style It was found that the students felt that this teaching activity was useful and practical.


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How to Cite

Klayklueng, W., Parai, W., Arunyaphark, P., & Khongjeera, A. (2020). Development of instructional management model through self-learning skills of nursing students: case study of midwifery subjects. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 20(39), 45–59.