Selected Factors Related to Health Responsibility Behaviors among Pregnant Adolescents in Amnat Charoen Province


  • Chirawan Winalaivanakoon Mahidol University (Amnat Charoen Campus)



knowledge, practice during pregnancy, behaviors, health responsibility, adolescent pregnancy



            The purposes of this descriptive research were 1) to study the knowledge towards practices during pregnancy in Amnatcharoen Province 2) to study health responsibility behaviors of adolescent pregnancies in Amnatcharoen Province and 3) to examine the relationships between knowledge towards practices during pregnancy and health responsibility behaviors among adolescent pregnancies in Amnatcharoen Province. The sample included 200 pregnant adolescents. The instruments were the knowledge towards practices during pregnancy Test, and the health responsibility behaviors Questionnaire. The reliability of the instrument were .86, and .85 respectively. Data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation and Pearsons’ Product Moment Correlation. The results revealed that the mean score of knowledge towards practices during pregnancy was at a good level ( X= 20.69, S.D. =2.29). Also the mean score of health responsibility behaviors was at a good level ( X=3.30, S.D. = 0.37). There was statistically significant positive relationship between knowledge towards practices during pregnancy and health responsibility behaviors (r = .392, p < .01).


Keywords: knowledge, practices during pregnancy, behaviors, health responsibility, adolescent pregnancy


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How to Cite

Winalaivanakoon, C. (2020). Selected Factors Related to Health Responsibility Behaviors among Pregnant Adolescents in Amnat Charoen Province. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 20(39), 8–19.