Construct Validity of evaluation form on exhibition activity and/or project for nursing students, Srinakharinwirot University
Validity testing, Exploratory factor analysis, Nursing students, ExhibitionAbstract
This research’s goal is to Reliability and validity testing of evaluation form on exhibition activity and/or project for nursing students, Srinakharinwirot University. Data were collected from 2 phases. Frist phase was qualitative data collection. by interviewing students and the teacher who used to this evaluation form. Second phase used adjusted evaluation form to exploratory factor analysis in 200 persons of 1st and 2nd year nursing students. Processing exploratory factor analysis by using the method of Principal component analysis was used Varimax method to rotate the elements’ core perpendicularly. Research results show that the variable sets that are being researched can analyze the two elements. Those elements consist of 1) The pattern of evaluation form on exhibition activity and/or project (BNS. 235) for nursing students and data communication capabilities and 2) The quality of exhibition activity and/or project , in which every elements has more than 1.00 Eigen value wherewith cumulative variance can by described as 44.656. Research results also shows the iimportant factors to do the evaluation form on exhibition activity and/or project (BNS. 235) for nursing students, Srinakharinwirot University. This evaluation form can use in evaluating learning and teaching for nursing students to be effective and achieve in the aim of nursing curriculum.
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