Predicting Factors of Quality of Life among Older Persons in Suphanburi Province


  • wasana luangphituck Boromarajonani College of Nursing Suphanburi


Quality of Life Older persons



            This research aimed to investigate the predictability of selected factorsand quality of life among older persons in Suphanburi  province.The purposive sampling was used to recruit a sample of 120 older persons who lived in Suphanburi province. The instruments included personal information,the Barthel’s Indexof Activities of  Daily Living Questionnaires,the Social SupportQuestionnaires and the WHOQOL- BREF–THAIQuestionnaires which were tested for content validity and reliability. Data were collected by interview and analyzed by using SPSS for Windows Version 13, including frequency, mean, standard deviation, and enter method multiple regression. The study found that the majority of the sample had moderate level of quality of life (91.71%). The result of multiple regression with the Enter method  revealed that all study predictors could predict quality of life among older persons, accounting for 48.8 % of variance.However ability to perform activity of daily living  and social support are significant predictors of quality of life. (β=.151, β=.623,P<.05, P<.01)respectively).Based on this finding, promoting ability to perform activity of daily living and assess social support for older persons should be done to enhance quality of life.


Keyword: Quality of Life   Older Personsค


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How to Cite

luangphituck, wasana. (2019). Predicting Factors of Quality of Life among Older Persons in Suphanburi Province. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 20(38), 67–81. Retrieved from