Effect of Contemplative Education Program on Spiritual well-being of Nursing Students
nursing students, contemplative education, spiritual well-beingAbstract
This quasi-experimental research is aimed at examining the effect of a contemplative education program on the spiritual well-being of nursing students. Two southern nursing colleges, located in city municipalities, were selected by multi-stage sampling. Students from each college were randomly allocated to either an experimental group (n = 40) or a control group (n = 39). The experimental group received the contemplative education program for a period of 8 weeks using group activities. The control group received the normal education program. The instruments used in this study consisted of the contemplative education program and the Nursing students’ spiritual well-being questionnaire. These two instruments were validated for content validity. The Nursing students’ spiritual well-being questionnaire was tested for reliability on 30 nursing students using Cronbach’ alpha coefficient, which yielded the value of .84. Demographic data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square, and likelihood ratio and the difference of the mean scores of spiritual well-being were analyzed using t-test.
The results revealed that the mean scores of spiritual well-being in the experimental group were significantly higher at posttest than at pretest (p< .001). The mean posttest scores of spiritual well-being in the experimental group were slightly lower than that of the control group but the difference was not significant (p > .05)
The effect of the contemplative education program did not differ between the experimental group and the control group, therefore this programs must be re-tested in the same educational institutions and the process manager needs to have enough contemplative education experience.
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