Prevention Behaviors and Risk Perceptions of Occurrence of Computer Syndrome among Supporting Staffs
Risk perceptions, Prevention behaviors, Computer syndrome, Supporting staffsAbstract
Incorrect of risk perception and computer using behaviors was caused of computer syndrome. This predictive corelational research aimed to study describe risk perceptions, prevention behaviors the computer syndrome and occurrence of
computer syndrome among supporting staffs, a university. The sample comprised 169, selected by simple random Sampling. Research instrument was a questionnaire. Three experts content validated the questionnaire. Sections 3 and 4 of the questionnaire were tested for internal consistency reliabilty. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient yielding a value of 0.88. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study found the following.
- Computer syndrome risk perceptions, the overall was at a high level (=3.11, SD = 0.26). When considering each dimension of perceptions were at a high level too. The perceptions on caused of computer syndrome had highest score (=3.29, SD = 0.36), perceptions about hazard of computer syndrome score was lower (=3.26, SD = 0.37), and awareness of hazard prevention method computer syndrome score was the lowest (=3.13, SD = 0.31).
- 2. Computer syndrome prevention behaviors, the overall was at a high level (=14, SD = 0.40). When considering each dimension of prevention behaviors were at a high level too. The working environments management and using personal protective equipment had a highest score (=3.21, SD = 0.48), other prevention behaviors score was lower (=3.12, SD = 0.37), and the way to practice score was the lowest (=3.08, SD = 0.55).
- 3. Occurrence of computer syndrome, regarding eyes and vision found 85 %, a high level was eyes pain, a highest score were blepharitis and headach (39.05 %, 34.91 %, and 30.80 % respectively). Regarding muscle and skeletal found 15.38 %, a high level were trapezius muscle pain/wryneck, a highest score were shoulder pain and wrist/hand pain (77.50%, 56.80% and 42.60% respectively).
The findings indicated that, the relevant persons must encourage support staff had computer syndrome risk perceptions to more, particularly raise awareness. This will provide good behaviors for preventing hazard.
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