Factors Related Nutrition Consumption Behaviors of Monks and Foodstuff Dedication Behaviors to the Buddhist Monks of People in Phasicharoen District, Bangkok.


  • Sanikan Seemanee, Lecturer Faculty of Nursing, Siam University


Consumption behaviors, The Buddhist monks, Foodstuff dedication Behaviors



          The purposes of this survey research were to examine the factor related nutrition consumption behaviors of the monks and foodstuff dedication Behaviors to the Buddhist monks of people in Phasicharoen district, Bangkok. A sample of 276 monks who had been stayed at temples and 406 people in Phasicharoen district. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation. The result show that nutrition consumption behaviors of the monks in Phasicharoen district had a moderate level (X̅ =32.86 , SD = 6.72 ).  The perceived health status (r=.199), perceived benefit (r=.260), perceived self –efficacy (r=.264),and age (r=.133) were positively significant related to the consumption behaviors (p < .001) . The perceived barriers (r = -.285) was negatively significant related to the consumption behaviors (p < .001). Result demonstrated that the perceived benefit for foodstuff dedication Behaviors of people in Phasicharoen district  had a moderate level  (X̅ =36.43 , SD = 6.36 ) The perceived benefit for foodstuff dedication (r=.563), Type of foodstuff (r=.517), attitude to make merit (r=.178), Level of education (r=.143), and age (r=.067) were positively significant related to foodstuff dedication Behaviors to the Buddhist monks of people (p < .001) .  These findings would be suggested to health care teams should provide specific programs to promote perceived benefit for foodstuff dedication Behaviors of people and to reduce perceived benefit in the Buddhist monks in order to change their consumption behaviors.


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How to Cite

Seemanee, S. (2019). Factors Related Nutrition Consumption Behaviors of Monks and Foodstuff Dedication Behaviors to the Buddhist Monks of People in Phasicharoen District, Bangkok. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 19(37), 22–38. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nursingsiamjournal/article/view/151995