A Model of Local Wisdom for Pain Relief of the Semi-Urban Community: Case Study of Compression Massage with Leaves of Crinum asiaticum Linn.
Promotion, Sustainable Health, Indigenous Health WisdomAbstract
This study is an Action Research (AR). The purposes are 1) Survey indigenous health wisdom of Poonbumphen Community and 2) Synthesis the guidelines for Promoting of indigenous wisdom for sustainable health. The key informants select by Purposive Sampling. Included: 1) Community leaders, 2) Members of the community aged 15 and over are interested in activities, and 3) Researchers and Academic persons. Data collection were community context Survey, observation, in-depth interviews, group discussion and holding civil society forums. Results: Poonbumphen Community is urban areas that long-term agriculture and transferred the experience in agriculture from generation to generation. The most relationships are relative and lived in the community for more than 20 years. The used of indigenous health wisdom were little form the herbal drink. But the community has important resources are village scholars, Thai Traditional Masseuse and appropriate area for planting Crinum Lily. The research steps are as follows. Step 1: Harmonious community for development plan by the civil society forums. Found, the community members (55 persons) are interested in participating in the research project. Step 2: Promoting indigenous wisdom for sustainable health. It is an action and observation process include 3 activities. 1) Enhanced knowledge of Crinum Lily culture. 2) Training massage for pain relief with Crinum Lily leaves. And 3) Use the Crinum Lily leaves for relieve pain. Step 3: Reflection by lesson learned. Found, Crinum Lily is a plant that grows slowly during the first year. Crinum Lily leaves can relieve pain and muscles relax and massager does not have to exert a lot. But, Crinum Lily leaves preparation has many steps and equipment. The guidelines for promoting indigenous wisdom for sustainable health are include; 1) Assess the needs of the community 2) Areas must be appropriate and consistent with the lifestyle and traditional culture of the community 3) People have attitudes towards participation of community development 4) To build the social capital of the community to develop 5) Pilot Implementation for the output in short term and 6) Distribution of Benefit. Suggestions: For policy, Executives should be support to have clearly policy for promote indigenous health wisdom at all health service level and community context. Consider the outcomes to improve the quality of life and health of the people under indigenous wisdom. For community, should integrate technology and wisdom to create innovation. The wisdom are practical and uncomplicated. The efficacy of the elderly to participate in community to increase self-esteem and community economic value. Including the knowledge transfer to the youth in the community.
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