การกอกําเนิดคณะพยาบาลศาสตรแหงแรกของประเทศไทย:ก้าวย่างสู่การเป็นอสระทางวิาชีพ The Emergence of the First Nursing Faculty of Nursing in Thailand: A Step Towards Professional Autonomy


  • ดารุณี จงอุดมการณ์
  • เพ็ญจันทร์ เลิศรัตน์


the pioneers, the emergence of the First Nursing Faculty of Nursing in Thailand, qualitative study


The article reported the qualitative findings of the experiences of the founder and its own staff who shared
experiences in the period of establishing the first ‘Faculty of Nursing’ in Thailand. Related document analysis together
with a qualitative data collection were obtained from 12 stake holders including the founder, its own pioneer, and
new generation staff, as well as alumni. Within related documents and all interviews took verbatim notes which
were later subject to qualitative content and thematic analyses. Results revealed three themes as follows: 1) The
Emergence of the First Nursing Faculty of Nursing in Thailand: A step towards professional autonomy, 2) The
preparation of lecturers and students in the undergraduate program at an early stage, and 3) Trends and suggestions
for dealing with socio-cultural changes. Recommendations were carried out for improving organization management
and teaching learning experiences of the students in the future.


How to Cite

จงอุดมการณ์ ด, เลิศรัตน์ เ. การกอกําเนิดคณะพยาบาลศาสตรแหงแรกของประเทศไทย:ก้าวย่างสู่การเป็นอสระทางวิาชีพ The Emergence of the First Nursing Faculty of Nursing in Thailand: A Step Towards Professional Autonomy. J Nurs Sci Health [Internet]. 2014 Oct. 12 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];37(2):57-70. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nah/article/view/22257