Community participation in the development of rehabilitation and health care models for older person with dementia


  • sakorn intolo


model development, community participation, older people, dementia


This action research objective aimed to develop rehabilitation and health care model for the older persons with dementia in context of community participation. Forty six participants were stakeholders in community, who were selected by purposive sampling. Qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussion. Data analyzed using content analysis. The research process comprised of 3 phases; situation analysis, development process and model synthesis. Findings showed “THASONGKHON MODEL” included 4 components such as policy, people, services and supporting system. The model comprised of 3 service activities; Assessment and screening,referral for curative treatment and service for rehabilitation by community participation. This model is appropriate for older people with dementia according to context of community health care.

Author Biography

sakorn intolo

Khon Kaen University


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How to Cite

intolo sakorn. Community participation in the development of rehabilitation and health care models for older person with dementia. J Nurs Sci Health [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];43(1):65-77. Available from: