
Call for papers: You are invited to submit manuscripts for publication in the Journal of Nursing Science and Health, Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University. Articles can now be submitted in accordance with the journal’s online submission guidelines and for following up on the reviewer and editorial comments through the online journal system at 

Article charges

In an open access system, we guarantee readers free access to published articles online. However, there are fees for submission; upon meeting publication criteria, an article processing charge of 2,500 baht is incurred for evaluation by two reviewers. Should the author request the involvement of three reviewers, an additional fee of 700 baht is required. Payment of fees must be completed prior to the initiation of the peer review process. Please make the payment via transfer to Siam Commercial Bank, account number 5513026676, Khon Kaen University income account (Faculty of Nursing). Authors wishing to receive a receipt should provide their delivery address at the time of fee payment.