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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitted article has never been published elsewhere or in the process of publication in any journals
  • All authors approved contents in the submitted article before publication submission
  • Form and contents of the submitted article were already checked
  • No plagiarism on submitted article, neither partial nor complete copying from other work and reference citation must be completely correct
  • Title of article both in Thai and English should have the same meaning and not exceed 100 alphabets
  • The order of authors is based on the percentage of contribution, and the author must be corresponding author with email
  • Name of author(s) both in Thai and English including degree(s), without academic affiliation(s)
  • Write a position of author, organization or institution while doing research (insert footnotes at the footer of the first page)
  • Indicate research funding source (if received funding), insert footnotes at the footer of the first page
  • Both Thai and English abstracts should not exceed 1,000 words (Thai abstract 500 words, English abstract 500 words)
  • Submitted article should not exceed 15 pages including references
  • Table presents only necessary data with no more than 3 tables
  • Writing References using Vancouver style, in numerical order for text citation, not in alphabetical order
  • All references are in English. If any reference is Thai, then translate to English and add the word “in Thai” in a parenthesis e.g. (in Thai)
  • Pay for publication fee (for accepted manuscript) 2,500 Baht per article

Author Guidelines

For authors

Manuscript submission

            The corresponding author must have an active subscription. We will only be accepting submissions made online at Automatic reply after submission will be sent to author via email. Once a manuscript is submitted, there is an online tracking system through which authors can check status of their manuscript. Please refer to online submission manual via the journal webpage (under ‘announcements’)

              If you have any questions or require assistance about the submission process, please contact our editorial staff at Journal of Nursing Science and Health  Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University Mauang, Khon Kaen province, Thailand 40002 Tel: + 66-43-202435, + 66-43-202407 ext. 117 Fax: + 66-43-202435, + 66-43-348301

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The contents, views, and opinions expressed in the Journal of Nursing Science and Health are those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views of Faculty of Nursing Khon Kaen University or the Editorial board.