การสนับสนุนคํ้าจุนของผูดูแลผูปวยโรคหลอดเลือดสมองที่เขารับการรักษาในโรงพยาบาลUlin General Hospital เมืองBanjarmasin ประเทศอินโดฯ The Supportive Care Needs of Stroke Caregivers during Hospital Stay at Ulin General Hospital, South Kalimantan, Indonesia


  • Agilanto -
  • Khanitta Nuntaboot


supportive care needs, stroke caregiver.


This descriptive research design was conducted to describe demographic data and supportive care needs (overall and each domain) among stroke caregivers at Ulin General Hospital, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Data were collected from 56 stroke caregivers using SCANS questionnaire in Indonesian during March 12, 2013 to April 30, 2013. Its reliability was 0.83. The results consisted of a supportive care needs score and supportive care needs level as follow the total score of supportive care needs was in the range of 42 – 168 and the score of the samples was in the range of 58 – 159. The mean score and SD of supportive care needs of stroke caregivers was 105.87±25.49. Level of supportive care needs was separated into three groups using the interval score. Most of stroke caregivers were at moderate level of supportive care needs (98.21%, n=55), followed by high level of supportive care needs (1.79%, n=1). There was no caregiver who identified one ’s self to have low supportive care need.
