A study on knowledge and satisfaction toward participating on the training on Human Research Ethic in Social Sciences, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Research Ethics, Satisfaction, TrainingAbstract
The ethical issue is a key for a researcher in conducting a research involving human subjects. Ethical training is one of a variety of means to raise ethical awareness to the researcher. The study aims to examine participants’ understanding of ethical issue of the training and level of training’s satisfaction. The population of this study included 154 participants attending in the 3 trainings. The structured questionnaire was adopted. To analyze the data, frequency, percent, paired t-test, independent t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation were used. The Paired t-test analysis showed that participants gained more ethical issue understanding. Additionally, the difference of ethical issue understanding among working groups was statistically significant. The understanding score of amateur researchers, including students, researcher assistants, and administrative staff. The results pointed out that the ethical training enabled participants in gaining more ethical issue understanding. However, the training primarily served inexperienced, therefore intensive training needed to be implemented for covering every group.
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