The effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on abdominal muscles in patients with lumbar spondylosis


  • ฺBoonrung Ariyachaikul Rehabilitation Department, Nakornping Hospital


Lumbar spondylosis, Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, NMES, Core stabilizers, Experimental study


Objective: To study the effect of combined traditional physical therapy and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) on abdominal muscles on pain, disability and sit-to-stand performance in patients with lumbar spondylosis.

            Method: The one-group pretest-posttest design was used in the lumbar spondylosis outpatients who were consulted by physician to the Physical therapy section, Rehabilitation medicine department, Nakornping Hospital between 1st December 2019 – 15th February 2021. The traditional physical therapy in combination with NMES, frequency 50Hz and surge mode, was applied at transversus abdominis 10 minute/time, 2 times/week for 5 weeks or when the pain level was decreased to 2. The treatment effect was assessed with the face pain assessment scale, 5STST and Thai version ODI. The data was analyzed using dependent t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

            Result: Thirty-three volunteers participated in the study with the mean (SD) of the visits of treatment were 7.1 (1.75). The median (IQR) of the pain score before-intervention were 5 (2) and after-intervention were 2 (0), the mean (SD) of the ODI score before-intervention were 43.5 (11.89) and after-intervention were 13.3 (8.04) and the mean (SD) of the 5STST time before-intervention were 11.95 s (6.70) and after-intervention were 8.50 s (2.47), which were decreased 63.3%, 68.6% and 23.8% respectively with statistically significant (p<0.001).

            Conclusion: The combined traditional physical therapy and NMES at abdominal muscle could reduce pain and ODI score and improve the sit-to-stand ability significantly. However, the randomized control trial and long-term effect study should be used in the future.


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How to Cite

Ariyachaikul ฺ. (2021). The effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on abdominal muscles in patients with lumbar spondylosis. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 12(1), 187–204. Retrieved from



Research article