- New issue, vol 15(2) July - December 2024 has been published online, each article will be published individually by their article processing time. This issue is still open for new submission and will be closed by 31 December 2024.
- The Journal of Nakornping Hospital is a peer-reviewed journal. Each article will undergo review by at least 3 reviewers through a double-blind review system. These changes will be implemented for articles submitted for publication on or after April 15, 2023. There will be an additional publication fee for articles.
- Publication fee of 3,000 Baht per article. Payment should be made to the Nakornping Hospital Research and Education
- Krungthai Bank, Mae Rim branch: account number 515-0-72201-4
- Please submit an additional file of your payment in the submission process.
- Please submit an article in advance to allow enough time for reviewing and revision process (at least 4 weeks).