The Estimated Cost of the Occupational Health Services in Health Promotion Hospital District for Informal Sector Workers : High risk Agricultural Group in Ban Haet District, Khon Kean Province.


  • Paradorn Dangyangwai Ban Haet District Health Office, Khon Kaen
  • Wijit Thawnil Ban Haet District Health Office, Khon Kaen
  • Songsak Lita Ban Haet District Health Office, Khon Kaen
  • Amnuayporn Kittao Ban Haet District Health Office, Khon Kaen
  • Khemporn Phiokhao Ban Haet District Health Office, Khon Kaen


Unit cost, Labor and management of occupational health


The objectives of this study was to estimate labor and management cost of occupational health services for informal workers in sub-district health promoting hospital (HPH) for informal workers : high risk agricultural group in Ban Haet District, Khon Kean Province. The population were high risk agriculture group in Khon Kean province. Sample size were the health promoting hospital of Ban Haet District including of 4 health promoting hospital. The research instruments were cost of record form July 2016 to December 2017. Data analysis by descriptive statistics. The results revealed that 1) The number of health personnel in each health promoting hospital was between 6-8 persons. The highest occupation was employee and the lowest was public health administration officer. Khampia health promoting hospital had the highest labor and management cost for occupation health service of 1,993,480.00 baht while Ban Dong health promoting hospital had the lowest of 1,689,340.00 baht. Nong Saeng health promoting hospital had the highest material cost of 484,922.00 baht and Ban Dong health promoting hospital had the lowest material cost of 159,569.97 baht. Khampia health promoting hospital had the highest cost of medical equipment of 633,034.81 baht and Ban Dong health promoting hospital had the lowest cost of 202,221.21baht. Nong Saeng health promoting hospital had the highest utility expenditure of 62,107.60 baht and Ban Dong health promoting hospital had the lowest of 47,709.27 baht. Ban Dong health promoting hospital had the highest building cost of 197,020.00 bath and Koksamran health promoting hospital had lowest of 147,458.00 baht. Khampia health promoting hospital had the highest of total cost of 3,090,022.54 baht and Nong Saeng health promoting hospital had the lowest of 2,021,500.88 baht. 2) Unit cost labor and management of occupational health services for history taking was 45.02 baht, occupational risk assessment or screening was 35.25 baht. Unit cost for diagnosis and care was 43.30 baht, data recording was 34.61 baht and empowerment for solving problem in community participation was 35.57 baht. The health survey activities and health risk assessment were 173.00 and 190.16 baht, respectively. The networking activity for problem base solving in community and surveillance with evaluation activity were 621.96 baht and 621.96 baht, respectively.


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How to Cite

Dangyangwai P, Thawnil W, Lita S, Kittao A, Phiokhao K. The Estimated Cost of the Occupational Health Services in Health Promotion Hospital District for Informal Sector Workers : High risk Agricultural Group in Ban Haet District, Khon Kean Province. . jdpc7kk [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 7 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];28(1):53-67. Available from:



Research Article