Stigma and Behavior Opinion of Tuberculosis in Repetitive Village of Ban Had District, Khon Kaen Province


  • Thoranits Sayawat ฺBoromarajonani College of Nursing Khon Kaen
  • Saijai Khomtanet Boromarajonani College of Nursing
  • Phatanee Srioad Boromarajonani College of Nursing


TB, mental health, stigma, behavior of TB patients


          The present study  aimed to investigate  the tuberculosis(TB) stigma  opinion  and health behavior of TB patients in recurrent infection area, Ban had district,  Khon Kaen province. This cross-sectional study included 42 pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The instruments of gathering data were used structural interview. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.  

          The results revealed that mostly patient were male (73.8%), the mean age was 61.4 year (S.D. = 10.6),  married(73.8%), the mean weight and height were 53.2 kg. (S.D. = 8.6) and 161.4 cm. (S.D. = 8.0) respectively. Comorbidities were 2 of 5  of patients (40.5%), as diabetes(58.8%), hypertension(35.3%)  and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(5.9%). The surrounding life household of patients was  131.7  m2 /patients (S.D. = 62.2).  Regarding health behavior of them, its were found that there were mostly,  keeping the bed stuff  with the sunlight , cleaning  their house every day, exercise 1-2 days/week, wearing face mask,  using serving spoon when eating together with others, dropping sputum into a sealed container and disinfected by incineration. Although, They have no history of being prisoner   but  ever contracted with TB patient in household.  Beside, with risk others they were smoking and drinking alcohol. The TB stigma perspective of them was at moderate level (2.05 (S.D. = 0.57)). 

            In conclusion, The perspective of stigmatization of TB patients was moderate  high. Importantly, Holistic care and home visit by multidisciplinary teams should be planned to enhance reducing stigmatization of TB patients. Also, health literacy for self care behavior should be gave high priority to decrease anxiety and improve mental health in community


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How to Cite

Sayawat T, Khomtanet S, Srioad P. Stigma and Behavior Opinion of Tuberculosis in Repetitive Village of Ban Had District, Khon Kaen Province . jdpc7kk [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];29(2):1-14. Available from:



Research Article