Management of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Prevention and Control with Community Participation in Kokchamrae Sub-district, Thung Sri Udom District, Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • wilai Meetongkhao นิสิตมหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม
  • Adisorn Wongkongdech Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • Santisith Khiewkhern Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University


management process, coronavirus disease 2019 prevention and control, community participation


The purposes of this action research were to study the management of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and control with community participation in Khok Chamrae Subdistrict, Thung Si Udom District Ubon Ratchathani Province. The sample was 41 people who were the networks members. The quantitative data were collected using the participation assessment form and the focus group discussion record form. The quantitative data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of arithmetic mean and standard. The qualitative data were collected by participatory meetings, focus group discussion, in-depth interview. The qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis.

            The results of the study revealed that the development process for the prevention and control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 by community participation is implemented by the “ABCD EFG” Model, which is 1) Assess to context 2) Building team 3) Consider measurement 4) Developing participatory action plan 5) Emphasize implementing 6) Follow the activities 7) Get the experiences. After operation, level of participation of network organizations increased, the high level increased from 18.42% to 34.58%, mean of participation score= 4.47 (SD.=0.69). As a result, the network organizations were more involved in the operations. The success factors were 1) Working team 2) A participatory action plan 3) Participating of the network organizations in every step of the development and 4) Continuous supervision of the working group Suggestions for next research should study model of training to develop working groups and network partners for appropriate prevention and control of coronavirus 2019, according to the epidemic situation. Including should study the model development of disease prevention and control management with community participation, in the case of other diseases or health hazards.


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How to Cite

Meetongkhao wilai, Wongkongdech A, Khiewkhern S. Management of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Prevention and Control with Community Participation in Kokchamrae Sub-district, Thung Sri Udom District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. jdpc7kk [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];29(2):65-7. Available from:



Research Article