En Efficiency Practice Development model of Officials in Thai Public Health Saving and Credit Cooperatives.
Thai public health cooperatives, En Efficiency Practice Development modelAbstract
This research aimed to (1) study factors affecting efficiency practice development model of officials In thai public health saving and credit cooperatives, (2) formulate a development model of efficiency practice of officials in thai public health saving and creditcooperatives and (3) implement and evaluate the developed model of work performance efficiency. The research procedures were divided into 3 stages. In the first stage, The researcher investigated factors which directly and indirectly affected work performance efficiency of officials in thai public health saving and credit cooperatives by formulating a model of work performance as an outcome variable. Ten causal factors used for the study. Two hundred and sixty two officials in thai public health saving and credit cooperatives were selected and participated in the study and the required data were collected by using the questionnaire, were used for analyzing of data. Structural Equation Model : SEM, LISREL for Windows with Path Analysis at the .05 level of statistical significance. In the second stage, the researcher constructed the development model of work performance efficiency of officials in thai public health saving and credit cooperatives by using the study result from the first stage. Twenty involved persons were participated in the workshop to co-operatively criticized and evaluated the model of work performance efficiency. In the third stage, the researcher implemented the model. After three months of implementation, the model was evaluated by 13 officer of Nongkhai public health saving and credit cooperative and analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test at the .05 level of statistical significance.
The major findings revealed the followings:
- The developed causal factors showed harmony with the empirical data. Six causal factors with total effects on work performance efficiency of officials in thai public health saving and credit cooperatives were found including 1) Best Office (0.40)2)Best Airo (0.36) 3)Team Working (0.35) 4)Emotion Intelligence(0.14)and 5)Self Confidence (0.11) and 6)Role perception ( 0.06)
- The development model of work performance efficiency consisted of 18 activities : 1) Gold heart 2) Tree of Idea 3) secret 4) Team Working 5)Team developing 6) My book 1 7) Public service 8) Emotion developing 9) Save egg Role and duty 10) Promise 11) Service mine 12) Role Playing 13) Self analyze 14) Listen me 15) The Team 16) What is this ?17) Hope and 18) Role and duty.
- The officials in thai public health saving and credit cooperatives showed higher work performance efficiency as a whole and in 2 aspects : service and support than before implementation of model at the .05 level of statistical significance both Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
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