Administrative Factors Affecting the Reporting on Primary Health Data of Public Health Officersat Tambon Health Promoting Hospital inChaiyaphum Province


  • จารุกิตติ์ นาคคำ LubkhaiTambon Health Promoting Hospital, Chaiyaphum province.
  • ชนะพล ศรีฤาชา The faculty of Public Health, Khonkaen University.


ปัจจัยการบริหาร, รายงานข้อมูลสุขภาพระดับปฐมภูมิ, บุคลากรสาธารณสุข, โรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตำบล



A cross-sectional descriptive researchaims to identify factors that affect the management of primary health data reportingof Tambon Health Promoting Hospitalin Chaiyaphum province.The population were167 Tambon Health Promoting Hospital officersin 167 Tambon Health Promoting Hospitals in Chaiyaphumprovince. The data collected by the developed questionnaire from a sample of 150 people verify content validity by three experts and verify reliability coefficient alpha of Cronbach0.95. The data collection was carried out from February 1, 2013to February 14,2013. The data were analyzed bya computer package program and disseminated byfrequency,percentage, mean,standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis.

The results showed that the majority of subjects were male (55.3%). The subject’sage varied between 31-40 years old (46.7%,X ̅ = 37.02, SD = 7.49), in whichthe youngest subject was 23 years old and the oldest one 52 years old.82.0% of the subjecthad marital status. For education, 71.3% completedbachelor’s degree.The longest performance of reporting primary health data were 6years(42.0%,X ̅ = 4.61, SD = 1.45) and in recent years has been trained onprimary health data reporting 92.7%.

Overall,the level of administrative factorswere found moderate level (X ̅ = 3.41, SD = 0.77).On the level of the primary health data reporting of health officer in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital inChaiyaphumprovince found that overall the high level (X ̅ = 3.66, SD = 0.58). The marital status had low level positively correlated with primary health data reporting with statistically significant at 0.01 (r = 0.271, p-value = 0.001).The educational level correlated negatively with primary health data reporting withstatistically significant at 0.01 (r = -0.259, p-value = 0.001). In the overall of administrative factors were found moderate level positively correlated with primary health data reporting of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital in Chaiyaphum province withstatistically significant at 0.01 (r = 0.610, p-value <0.001).Two variables that could predict the reporting ofpublic health officer of TambonHealth PromotingHospital in Chaiyaphum province weredirecting and controlling withstatistically significant 53.6%.The most common problems is essential to manage the materials and a minor factor was a directing.





How to Cite

นาคคำ จ, ศรีฤาชา ช. Administrative Factors Affecting the Reporting on Primary Health Data of Public Health Officersat Tambon Health Promoting Hospital inChaiyaphum Province. jdpc7kk [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 13 มกราคม 2019 [อ้างถึง 7 มีนาคม 2025];21(1):1-13. available at: