Development of a model for preventing stroke in the elderly with the participation of village health volunteers in Chachoengsao Province

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sombat tangtong


This action research aims to study the health literacy knowledge about risk factors and warning signs of stroke among village health volunteers (VHVs) in Chachoengsao Province. It develops and evaluates a model for preventing stroke in elderly people involving participation from VHVs. The study employed a three-group sample: 385 VHVs, 385 elderly individuals from the community, and 15 healthcare professionals. The model development process followed a three-stage approach: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Validated research tools were employed, including a program for model development in elderly people and VHV health literacy questionnaires forms for health personnel. Data analysis included descriptive statistics for quantitative data and content analysis for qualitative data. The questionnaire consisted a Cronbach's Alpha reliability of 0.74 and KR-20 reliability of 0.75. Paired-samples t-tests were employed to evaluate the significance of differences in pre- and post-development average scores. The study was conducted from September 2023 to March 2024.

                 The findings revealed a four-step model for stroke prevention in the elderly with VHV participation. It includes community situation analysis, operational planning, defining health team roles, developing VHV potential, providing stroke prevention care by the community health team, and exchanging knowledge about stroke care and prevention in the community. Following model development, VHVs demonstrated a statistically significant increase (p < .05) in their average health literacy score regarding stroke prevention knowledge. Additionally, health personnel and elderly people reported high levels of satisfaction. This model for preventing stroke in the elderly with VHV participation shows promise as a guideline for community 

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How to Cite
tangtong, sombat. (2024). Development of a model for preventing stroke in the elderly with the participation of village health volunteers in Chachoengsao Province. Journal of Disease Prevention and Control : DPC. 2 Phitsanulok, 11(2), 110. Retrieved from


World Health Organization. Cardiovascular accident. 2023. [ Internet]. [ cited 2023 August 15]. Available from

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