Parent Perceptions of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Care Childhood Mental Health

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Stephanie Thorson-Olesen
Angie Goethel


This study used a modified consensual qualitative research design to explore the perspective of parents living in the United States about the barriers to accessing parent training programs for better supporting the mental health of infants and young children. Participants (N=20) responded to open-ended questions to share their perceptions. The results suggest that factors related to parental awareness, accessibility, support, and predicted benefit should be considered. Additionally, there is a need for increased parental awareness of infant and early childhood mental health and for consistent screening and assessment practices, potentially within integrated service models. The mental health care of future generations is a global imperative.

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How to Cite
Thorson-Olesen, S., & Goethel, A. (2024). Parent Perceptions of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Care: Childhood Mental Health. International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health, 12(1), 11–25. Retrieved from
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