Factors associated with the death in patients with prehospital calls in Lampang City


  • Noppadon Seesuwan Emergency department,LPH


Emergency medical services


Background: The goal of emergency medical services (EMS) is to help patients in a timely manner before arriving to the hospital. The health care providers should know the factors associated with death in the patients transported by ambulances for reducing the mortality rate and improving medical care.

Objective: The aim of this paper is to find the factors associated with the death of the patients who use emergency medical services in Lampang City, Lampang, Thailand

Method: Using data from ambulance records in Lampang City, Thailand. We retrospectively analyzed the patients transported to Lampang Hospital from Jan 1, 2001 - Dec 31, 2019. The factors were assessed with multivariable logistic regression analysis.

Results: In total 41,284 patients were eligible for analysis. Of them, 1,998 were dead (5.2%). The factors associated with the death were male (RR 1.25; 95% CI 1.11-1.39 p=0.000) afternoon shift (RR 1.18; 95% CI 1.04-1.32 p=0.008) night shift (RR 1.24; 95%CI 1.06-1.44 p=0.005) triage red by phone (RR 5.54; 95% CI 2.07-14.87 p=0.001) triage by phone code 4  (RR 1.98;95% CI 1.36-2.90 p=0.000) code 5 (RR 1.96; 95% CI 1.47-2.60 p=0.000) code 6 (RR 10.45; 95% CI 6.65-16.42 p=0.000) code 17 (RR 1.70; 95% CI 1.29-2.24 p=0.000) code 19 (RR 3.23; 95% CI 2.44-4.28 p=0.000) and code 23 (RR 4.25; 95% CI 1.53-11.82 p=0.006)

Conclusions: EMS personals should aware the patients with these factors and improve medical care to reduce the mortality rate.


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