The development of health surveillance model for population in project area, Nam Pee reservoir due to Royal initiative, Chiang Muan district, Phayao Province


  • Preeyanuch Cherdchoolao Phayao Provincial Public Health Office
  • Wuttipong Yodkham Phayao Provincial Public Health Office
  • Manashakorn Pichaijumpol Phayao Provincial Public Health Office


health condition, participation, chemicals used in agriculture, liver fluke


Monitoring health status and health behaviors modification of people living in reservoir project areas are the important role of healthcare workers. This research and development aimed to investigate health status and develop a model surveillance of residences based on people participation in the project area Nam Pee reservoir due to Royal initiative, Chiang Muan district, Phayao Province. There were three phases of the research. 1) Study people’s health status by survey from August to September 2019. The purposive sampling method was used to sample 400 people by the behavioral questionnaire on undercooked food consumption, the prevention of Liver Fluke Disease; knowledge questionnaire on self-protection in the use of pesticides and self-protection behaviors in the use of pesticides resulted as a confidence value at .930, .878, .857 and .795 respectively. 2) Development of health surveillance model using a 7-step engagement process archived from October to December 2019. The sample were 50 residents in the project area. Qualitative data was collected using focus groups by semi-structured interviews. 3) Application of the developed model for the area between January 2021 and September 2022. The qualitative data and quantitative data were analyzed by content analysis and descriptive statistics, respectively. The result shows that the first phase found the most of the sample tends to consume undercooked food (90.50%), and rare fish is the most consumed food (73.75%). Also, the report indicated 31.00% of the people had Liver Fluke Disease. The sample had a moderate level of knowledge in the use of chemicals 38.00%. The report of chemical residues in bloodstream found unsafe at 52.73 %. The second phase have found that the model villages have their social strategy to prevent risk factors and the community model consisted of 1) a model village to reduce liver fluke risk factors and 2) a model village to reduce agricultural chemical risk factors. The last phase, after model implementation in two communities model found that 2.63% of people have liver fluke disease. In addition, people in the village who focused on reducing the risk factor of chemical use had pesticide residue in their blood at an unsafety level of 19.08%. In conclusion, the developed model can be applied to policy setting and precautionary measures/ reduce risk factors affecting the health conditions of people in reservoir areas for future desirable health behaviors.


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How to Cite

Cherdchoolao, P., Yodkham, W., & Pichaijumpol, M. (2022). The development of health surveillance model for population in project area, Nam Pee reservoir due to Royal initiative, Chiang Muan district, Phayao Province. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 23(3), 55–73. Retrieved from



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