Factors affecting Health Promoting Behaviors among the Elderlyresiding in Phothaen, Ongkharak District,NakhonNayok Province.


  • Ormjai Taejarenwiriyakul Faculty of Physical Therapy, Srinakharinwirot University


Health Promotion, Elderly, Factor, Behavior


This survey research, cross sectional survey study aimed to assess factors affected to health promoting behaviors of the elderly residing in Phothaen, Ongkharak District, NakhonNayok Province.The sample were 246 cases of the aging. The data collected by questionnaires with the assessment form of the health promoting behavior, health promotion knowledge, environments to facilitate health promotion and social support.The reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha equal to 0.91, 0.89, 0.92 and 0.90respectively.Analytical statistics using descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression. The findings revealed that, elderly had health promoting behavior at a good level (mean = 3.81, S.D. = 1.45). The elderly had knowledge about health promotion (79.37 percentage) and social support (mean =2.34 S.D.=0.62) at moderate level and environments to facilitate health promotion (mean = 2.12 S.D. = 0.68) at low level. Predisposing factors (knowledge about health promotion) and reinforcing factors (social support) could together predict health promoting behavior at 23.81 percentage (R2 =0.238). Whereas, enabling factors (the environments to facilitate health promotion) were not found to be related to health promoting behavior of the elderly (p-value< 0.05).Increased support from social and knowledge in health promotion can also influence the elderly's health promoting behaviors. Which leads to the good health of the elderly.


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How to Cite

Taejarenwiriyakul, O. (2020). Factors affecting Health Promoting Behaviors among the Elderlyresiding in Phothaen, Ongkharak District,NakhonNayok Province. Journal of Nursing and Health Research, 21(1), 80–90. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnpy/article/view/194155



บทความวิจัย(Research Articles)