1. General format: The manuscript files should be prepared as a Word document, with the font text of 12-point Times New Roman using single column format, 1.5-line spacing with continuous line number, 2.5 cm margins, and a page number at the bottom (see Manuscript template).

2. Language: All articles submitted to the Arch AHS must be prepared in English with proofreading and editing by either an English professional or professional language editing service (please attach the English proofreading certificate in the submission). This stage is to ensure the clarity and meaning of the manuscript, whereby the writing styles can be American or British English, but not a mixture of both.

3. Cover letter: Authors should submit a cover letter with details of all authors’ affiliations, and contact information of the corresponding author. Authors should briefly address the importance of the manuscript, and explain why it is considered appropriate for the diverse readership of the Arch AHS. The cover letter should confirm that the materials of the submitted articles have not been previously published and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration of the Arch AHS. If the manuscript had been previously submitted for publication in another journal, the authors may include the previous reviewer comments to help expedite the decision by the Editorial members. Please also include a Conflict of Interest Statement (see Submission preparation Checklist) in the cover letter.

4. Manuscript files: To ensure double-blind peer-reviewed process, the authors need to prepare two following files separately:
      Manuscript with a title page of article and author details, i.e., the article title, article category, authors' names and affiliations, a complete address for the corresponding author including academic level, an e-mail and contact address, short running title, conflicts of interest, acknowledgements, and funding support. The article itself should be prepared as abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, take-home message or clinical implication, references, tables, and figures (see Manuscript template).
      Blinded manuscript (no author details).

5. Article structure: The article files include Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Take Home Messages or Clinical Implication.

  Abstract: A concise descriptive abstract with up to five relevant keywords are required for the Review article and Original article. The abstract should state briefly the introduction and purpose of the research, the methods, the principal results, and major conclusion. The abstract should be able to stand alone and self-explanatory. Therefore, references, non-standard, or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential, they must be defined at the first mentioned in the abstract itself.

  Introduction: provide an adequate background and objectives of the research, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.

  Materials and Methods: provide sufficient details to allow the methods to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Methods that are already published should be summarized with reference(s). If quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and also cite the source. Any modifications to existing methods should also be described.

  Results: indicate clear and concise findings of the study with link to the tables and figures, if any.

  Discussion: briefly explain the significance of the findings, not repeat them, and discuss the findings points-by-points with supporting or contradicting references.

  Conclusion: summarize the main findings with clinical contribution.

  Take Home Messages of no more than 50 words or Clinical Implication using 3-4 bullets.


  Tables and Figures: The Arch AHS suggests authors to include table(s) and/or figure(s) in the manuscript to improve the clarity of the findings and content.

6. References: References should be indicated by numbers in round brackets, superscript next to the relevant text before punctuation, presented in a consecutive order. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references. References cited in tables or figure legends should be sequenced according to their appearance in the main text. Then the reference list is placed at the end of the manuscript according to the order of citation in the text using Vancouver style–Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (1997) and Vancouver Referencing (2001). Journal references should include, in order, authors’ surnames and initials, article title, abbreviated journal name, year, volume and inclusive page numbers. The surnames and initials of all the authors up to 6 should be included. However, any references with more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors followed by “et al” are needed. Please note that the Arch AHS suggests authors to avoid using data from unreliable websites. Examples of references are as showed below.

Journal article
  Biewener AA. Patterns of mechanical energy change in tetrapod gait: pendula, springs and work. J Exp Zool A Comp Exp Biol 2006; 305(11): 899-911.

  Giangregorio L, McCartney N. Bone loss and muscle atrophy in spinal cord injury: epidemiology, fracture prediction, and rehabilitation strategies. J Spinal Cord Med 2006; 29(5): 489-500.

  Techasen A, Loilome W, Namwat N, Duenngai K, Cha'on U, Thanan R, et al. Opisthorchis viverrini-antigen induces expression of MARCKS during inflammation-associated cholangiocarcinogenesis. Parasitol Int 2012; 61(1): 140-4.

Book, 1st edition
  Zumla A, Johnson M, Miller R. AIDS and respiratory medicine. London: Chapman & Hall; 1997.

  Piot P, Kapita BM, Ngugi EN, Mann JM, Colebunders R, Wabitsch R, et al. AIDS in Africa: a manual for physicians. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1992.

  World Health Organization. Biosafety guidelines for diagnostic and research laboratories working with HIV. Geneva: WHO; 1996.

Book, 2nd edition onward
  Pratt RJ. AIDS: a strategy for nursing care. 3rd ed. London: Arnold; 1991.

  Green J, McCreaner A. Counseling in HIV infection and AIDS. 2nd ed. Cambridg (MA): Blackwell Science; 1996.

Book with editor
  Wormser GP, editor. AIDS and other manifestations of HIV infection. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1998.

  Bishop ML, Fody EP, Schoeff LE, editors. Clinical chemistry: principles, techniques, and correlations. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013.

Chapter in a book
  Ward JW, Drotman DP. Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS. In: Wormser GP, editor. AIDS and other manifestations of HIV infection. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1998. p. 1-16.

Conference paper
  Artchaithorn P, Amatachaya S, Peungsuwan P, Thaweewannakij T. Cut-off point of a body mass index to detect the impairment of mobility and functional endurance in community-dwelling elderly. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Integrative Medicine; 2019 Oct 7-8; Chiang Rai, Thailand. School of Integrative Medicine: Mae Fah Luang University; 2019.

Chokphukiao P. Reliability and discriminative ability of the 1.7-cm block for kyphosis measure [Master Thesis in Physical Therapy]. Khon Kaen: Khon Kaen University; 2017.

  Thaweewannakij T. Physical performance and fall of Thai elderly [Ph.D. Thesis in Human Movement Sciences]. Khon Kaen: Khon Kaen University; 2012.

  US Food and Drug Administration. Replacement reagent and instrument family policy for in vitro diagnostic devices [online] 2003 [cited 2019 Oct 21]. Available from: https://www.fda.gov/media/111186/download

Manuscript accepted for publication
  Wiyanad A, Chokphukiao P, Suwannarat P, Thaweewannakij T, Wattanapan P, Gaogasigam C, et al. Is the occiput-wall distance valid and reliable to determine the presence of thoracic hyperkyphosis? Musculoskelet Sci Pract. Forthcoming 2018.

7. Copyright permissions: The Arch AHS is an online, fully open-access journal with all copyrights belong to the Arch AHS. Upon acceptance, the authors still retain rights of personal use of the materials in the manuscript. They will be requested to submit Authors’ Statement & Copyright Transfer Form to ensure the widest possible dissemination of information in the article. Readers can access, copy, distribute and disseminate the article, as long as the authors of the article and journal is acknowledged.