About the Journal
The Arch AHS is an international multi-disciplinary, double-blinded, peer-reviewed, open-access, and fully online journal supported by the Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. The journal’s scope encompasses entire spectrum of Allied Health Sciences, ranging from basic to translational research.
Manuscripts submitted to the Arch AHS will be reviewed by the Editor or an Associate Editor who is assigned to be responsible on the manuscript. After inititial review, any manuscripts judged by the Editor or an Associate Editor as inappropriate or not suitable for the scope of the journal are rejected without external review. On the contrary, all potential manuscripts will be sent out and processed strictly following the double-blinded peer-reviewed process by the other two external academic/clinician reviewers who are working in relating areas. In general, the review process takes approximately four to six weeks for all submissions.
Authors may suggest possible reviewers to evaluate their manuscript, as well as opposed reviewers. However, the appropriate reviewers would be decided by the assigned Editor or Associate Editor, and they will be blinded to the authors. In general, the opposed reviewers will be honored except in a field with a limited number of reviewers. Based on the reviewers' and editor's comments, the Editor or Associate Editor who is responsible for the manuscript will make the decision as one of the following:
I. Accept – the manuscript will be published by the journal without the need for any changes or modifications.
II. Minor or major revision – the authors are given an opportunity to address the reviewers’ concerns by submitting a revised version, which is usually sent back to the original reviewers for reconsideration. Upon re-submission, the following should be uploaded to the online submission system:
- a point-by-point rebuttal letter clearly indicates how the concerns raised by the reviewers have been managed. However, if any comments cannot be addressed, the authors can explain in the rebuttal letter.
- a marked-up version of the manuscript files that highlights the changes made.
- a ‘clean’ (non-highlighted) version of the manuscript.
III. Reject – This decision is made for a manuscript that fails to meet a standard of the journal. However, if the Editor-in-Chief considers that the manuscript has potential despite its current limitations, it may be invited for resubmission. If the authors decide to resubmit, the updated version of the manuscript has to be submitted as a new submission, with a cover letter that includes a point-by-point response to referees’ comments.
In general, the final decision takes approximately two to four months, depending on the number of revisions.
The Arch AHS is issued 3 times a year, including
Issue 1: January – April,
Issue 2: May – August,
Issue 3: September – December.
The Arch AHS is fully open access journal. All articles in the journal are freely available to read, share, and download. However, in accordance with publication ethics and best practice of scholarly publishing, the authors and the journal must be properly acknowledged.
All articles published with the Arch AHS are fully accessible via the journal's website (https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ams/ issue/archive) and all indexing databases.
The Arch AHS publishes various types of articles, including editorials, review articles, original articles, and letters to the editor. The journal encourages authors to write a ‘Take-Home Message or Clinical Implication’ helping readers to easily percept and apply the findings in their own works. Each form of articles has a specific description and lengths.
Editorials: a short essay that is usually written by the Editor-in-Chief, editorial board members or invited authors to write various aspects about the articles or recent news from the Journal.
Review article: critical appraisals of existing literature on a specific issue of multi-disciplinary of health sciences. The article should gather novel, interesting, and applicable knowledge with comments and summary by the authors. The content of such article consists of abstract, keywords, introduction, content, and references. Invited reviews will also go through the usual peer-reviewed process.
Original article: a research reporting the results of various issues relating to the allied health sciences or medicines. The content consists of introduction, materials and methods of the study, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
Letter to the editor: a letter in response to previous published articles in the Arch AHS, that will benefit readers. It may be results, or the discovery of novel knowledge that is short and complete.
The Editor-in-Chief and Editorial members of the Arch AHS put high effort to check the inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appear in the Journal. However, the opinions expressed in the Arch AHS are responsible by the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial members, or the organization to which the authors are affiliated.
The Arch AHS is supported by Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
The Arch AHS, formally known as the Journal of Medical Technology and Physical Therapy (J Med Tech Phys Ther or JMTPT) that was established since 1988 by the Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. Since then, the J Med Tech Phys Ther or JMTPT has been gradually transformed from being a national journal with printed version only. Then the journal has been re-branded as the Arch AHS in the year 2020, published in both printed and online versions. Now, the Arch AHS is now published online only via the journal's website (https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ams/ issue/archive) and all indexing databases.
1988 to 2020: known as J Med Tech Phys Ther or JMTPT (ISSN: 0857-6653)
2020: changed to the Arch AHS (volume 32 issue 2 onward) in printed (ISSN 2730-1990) and online (eISSN 2730-2008) versions.
2022: publishes only in online version (volume 34 issue 2 onward, eISSN 2730-2008)
All articles submitted to the Arch AHS must be prepared in English with proofreading and editing by either an English professional or professional language editing service to ensure the clarity and meaning of the manuscript. The writing styles can be American or British English, but not a mixture of both.
There is no submission charge or article processing charge (APC) for all submissions to the Arch AHS.