Gross motor and language developmental stimulation via play during sitting attainment in orphaned infants

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Sunanta Prommin
Surussawadi Bennett
Ponlapat Yonglitthipagon
Lugkana Mato
Michael John Bennett
Wantana Siritaratiwat


Orphaned infants often show delayed language development due to their limited child-rearing practices. The stimulation of language development before the attainment of sitting is questionable. The aim was to compare the scores of language and gross motor development before and after one-month stimulation program. Two groups of 20 healthy full-term orphaned infants aged 6-9 months were recruited for this quasiexperimental study. The first group consisted of infants who sat with support, and the second group consisted of those who sat independently. All infants received routine care and a program of substitutional 45-minute structured play three days per week for four weeks. The gross motor development of infants was directly observed using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale, and language development was assessed using the Communication and Symbolic Behaviors Scales-Developmental Profile Infant-Toddler Checklist at the pre- and post-four-week stimulation program. The differences in outcomes before and after intervention were examined using the paired t-test and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. There were no significant differences in the means of language scores before and after four-week stimulation programs in both groups of infants, while both groups exhibited significant differences in gross motor development. Therefore, the stimulation program via play while attaining sitting skills may enhance language development in orphaned infants.

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Prommin S, Bennett S, Yonglitthipagon P, Mato L, Bennett MJ, Siritaratiwat W. Gross motor and language developmental stimulation via play during sitting attainment in orphaned infants. Arch AHS [internet]. 2023 Aug. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];35(3):1-10. available from:
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