Effects of low-frequency vibration to the back muscles on recovery-related parameters in college football athletes: a preliminary study
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Muscle fatigue is commonly found in football athletes due to high training or competitive intensity. Although vibration therapy is one of the popular methods that can transfer mechanical energy into the target muscles, only little evidence on the effects of low-frequency vibration therapy (LFVT) on lower back muscles fatigue was available. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the immediate effects of LFVT on recovery of the lower back muscles after inducing fatigue. Fourteen football athletes of Shaoguan were randomly allocated to receive either a -4min session of the LFVT group or a control group (rested on a bed), after exercise-induced fatigue. Recovery-related parameters including sit-and-reach, pressure pain threshold, visual analog scales, and heart rate variability were obtained before the session of exercise, and immediately after receiving either LFVT or control. Results showed that the LFVT group had no significant difference in the lower back muscles› recovery compared to the control group after the intervention although some parameters did go in the better direction. We conclude that LFVT may have no immediate effects on exercise induced-muscle fatigue.
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