Does the arm swing exercise benefit spatio-temporal parameters for female elderly?

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Zhen Xiao
Ying Hu
Li Xiao
Wichai Eungpinichpong


Shuai Shou Gong (SSG) is a simple form of arm swing exercise that has been developed and applied in China for over a thousand years. It has a profound impact on maintaining physical health, especially for older people. While the spatio-temporal parameters (STP) of gait worsen in most elderly and lead to the risk of falls, the beneficial effects of SSG on these parameters of gait have not yet been verified. This study investigated the effects of SSG on the STP of gait in elderly females. Fifty-six elderly females who lived in urban communities in Khon Kaen province were recruited. They were randomly allocated into either an exercise group (EG) or a control group (CG). The EG took part in the SSG training program for 8 weeks (40 minutes per day and three days per week). The CG maintained their daily life without any exercise during the same period. ANCOVA analysis revealed that SSG produced significant improvements in stance phase (left value and right value), swing phase (left value and right value), first double support phase (left value and right value), single support phase (left value), and stride length (left value and right value) in the EG compared to the CG (p-value < 0.05). Therefore, SSG could improve some temporal and spatial parameters of gait in elderly females.

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How to Cite
Xiao Z, Hu Y, Xiao L, Eungpinichpong W. Does the arm swing exercise benefit spatio-temporal parameters for female elderly?. Arch AHS [internet]. 2021 Sep. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];33(3):42-53. available from:
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