Immediate effect of Thai massage on timed-up-and-go test in elderly: a pilot study

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Nutthanun Tatchananusorn
Wichai Eungpinichpong


The purpose of this study was to determine the immediate effects of Thai massage on Time-up-and-go test (TUGT) in elderly aged 60-80 years. A preliminary comparative study was used. Sixteen elderly participants (12 females and 4 males) participated. They were randomly allocated into a Thai massage group and a control group. Participants in the Thai massage group received 1-hour session of whole-body Thai massage while those in the control group were assigned to rest for one hour. TUGT were measured at the baseline and immediate after the intervention with opal sensors and APDM mobility lab software. Primary outcome from software was TUGT duration. Other outcomes from software were turn angle, turn duration, sit-to-stand duration, sit-to-stand lean angle, stand-to-sit duration, and stand-to-sit lean angle. For parametric data, dependent t-test and independent t-test were used to calculate the within group and between-group differences, respectively. Wilcoxon signed rank test and Wilcoxon rank sum test were used to compare the outcome difference within group and between group for non-parametric data, independently. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. There were no significant differences for both within-group (0.19 s, p-value = 0.15) and between-group (0.50 s, p-value = 0.55) in the duration of TUGT duration and other parameters. We concluded that one session of Thai massage could not provide immediate effect to improve balance performance.

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How to Cite
Tatchananusorn N, Eungpinichpong W. Immediate effect of Thai massage on timed-up-and-go test in elderly: a pilot study. Arch AHS [internet]. 2021 Oct. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];33(3):61-9. available from:
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