A comparison of treadmill and overground running on physical performance in sedentary individuals
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This study aimed to compare the effects between treadmill and overground running on lower extremity muscle strength, balance, and agility. Forty-six sedentary healthy participants with a mean age of 20.59±1.44 years were randomly allocated into treadmill, overground, or control groups. The participants in treadmill and overground groups completed 4 weeks of training sessions, while control group did not participate in any training. Results showed that there was a signifcant increase in lower extremity muscle strength and balance in both treadmill and overground groups (p-value<0.05), but only treadmill group showed a signifcant increase in agility (p-value=0.001) when compared with pre-intervention values. When comparing between treadmill and overground groups, there were no signifcant differences found in all parameters (p-value>0.05) after receiving intervention. Nevertheless, treadmill group tended to show more balance and agility than overground group. This was because treadmill group showed a signifcantly higher balance (posterolateral direction) and agility than control (p-value=0.017 and p-value=0.020, respectively), while overground group did not (p-value=0.069 and 0.196, respectively). Four weeks of both treadmill and overground running could improve physical performance. Interestingly, treadmill running might be a more benefcial training than overground running among sedentary healthy individuals.
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