Development of online media for brachytherapy services in Udonthani Cancer Hospital


  • Chayanis Chamnanjan Udontani Cancer Hospital
  • Jiraporn Phimjan Udontani Cancer Hospital
  • Duangruethai Tarach Udontani Cancer Hospital


online media, brachytherapy services


Brachytherapy is one of the radiation therapy technique used to treat cancer. By means of deliver a precise amount of radiation dose directly to the cancerous tumor, makes it an effective treatment option. Patient preparation is crucial in this process. The process have been made to educate and provide before receiving service including QR code-based instruction. However, these formats are not interesting, which may not be engaging by patients. As a result, some patients may have difficulty understanding and correctly implementing the instructions. To overcome these problems, there was an interest in developing the online media, to create an effective method in patients treated with brachytherapy. This is a research and development project based on the ADDIE Model, which is Molenda's definition of media production. The purpose of this project is to create a digital platform for brachytherapy services at the Udonthani Cancer Hospital [UDCH]. The sample consisted of 42 cervical and endometrial cancer patients who received brachytherapy services at UDCH. This study was conducted from October 2022 to March 2023. The media content was verified by three subject-matter experts and three media experts, the efficiency was determined based on to Meguigans criteria, and a pre- and post- knowledge were compared by using the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test. User satisfaction with online media was assessed. Results; The research showed that the development model is online media, demonstration Program format, presented with Motion Infographic. The media quality was characterized as highly favorable (93.80%, x ̅ 4.69, S.D=0.39). Line, Facebook and YouTube were employed as the internet distribution channels. The video media's efficiency was 1.76 and higher than Meguigans' standard threshold of 1.00. The average post- knowledge scores significance higher than pre-knowledge scores (P< 0.001). The satisfaction was especially high (89.40 %, x ̅=4.47, S.D.=0.52). Conclusion; According to the findings, the developed online media for brachytherapy services at UDCH demonstrated excellent quality and efficacy. As a result, this media is suitable for the radiology nurse to use for educating or offering the adequate and comprehension for brachytherapy, in order to prepare and practice prior to, during, and after therapy. This way reduce the severity of complications


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2024-04-03 — Updated on 2024-04-03
