Ultrasound guided needle mark to trachea for unidentified tracheal landmark tracheostomy case : A case series
Technique, Ultrasound guided, Needle mark, TracheostomyAbstract
Generally, tracheostomy was a simple procedure for the otorhinolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon. Nevertheless, sometimes, the patient neck area, especially in head and neck cancer patients, might involve a large tumor and/or fibrosis that entirely precludes the surgical landmark of the trachea.Therefore, the author invented and developed the ultrasound- guided needle mark to the trachea for unidentified tracheal landmark technique to solve those problems. The method was simple and effective. However, there were limitations, such as when the procedure was done under local anesthesia, there was patient movement. Moreover, the surgeon's ultrasound-guided procedure skill was also a critical success factor. Therefore, we need to improve the surgical technique, tools, and surgeon skills to make this technique more effective and widely used.
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- 2022-04-29 (2)
- 2022-04-29 (1)
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