Oncologic and Functional Outcome of Frontolateral Hemilaryngectomy in Trang Hospital


  • Tulakan Mukkun โรงพยาบาลตรัง จ.ตรัง


Frontolateral hemilaryngectomy, Glottic cancer, Functional outcome


Objective:To demonstrate the oncologic and functional outcome of laryngeal cancer patients who underwent front lateral hemilaryngectomy in Trang Hospital. Material and Method: A retrospective study of fourteen patients with squamous cell carcinoma of glottis who underwent front lateral hemilaryngectomy in Trang Hospital between 2010 and 2020. Results: Fourteen patients underwent frontolateral hemilaryngectomy with a mean age of 61.28 years old, and all were male. After surgery, thirteen patients (92.85%) could be decannulated the tracheotomy tube within ten days.Only one could not be decannulated because of post-radiation laryngeal fibrosis. All patients could swallow orally for ten days without aspiration.Thirteen patients had good speaking without a tracheostomy tube after discharge.The five years overall survival rate in our study was 100%. Conclusion Fronto lateral hemilaryngectomy is still a practical option for treating T1b and T2 glottic cancer.The laryngeal functions could mostly be preserved with a reasonable survival rate.


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