Nursing Management of Hypersensitivity and Infusion Reactions from Intravenously Administered Chemotherapeutic Agents


  • Sujira Foongfaung Nursing Research Unit, Academic Nurse Division, National Cancer Institute


nursing role, hypersensitivity reactions, infusion reaction


Hypersensitivity and infusion reactions from intravenously administered chemotherapeutic agents are side effects resulting from the treatment of chemotherapy and monoclonal antibodies. Incidence, risk factors and severity depend on the types of medicine administered. Patients not being appropriately assessed or managed may result in life-threatening situations. Therefore, nurses who are in charge of administering chemotherapeutic drugs should have adequate knowledge and competencies to apply knowledge from evidence-based practice to improve effective care. This article mainly reviewed the definitions, mechanism, incidence, signs and symptoms, risk factors, prevention and management of hypersensitivity and infusion reactions from intravenously administered chemotherapeutic agents.


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